23. The Astro Garden: Kira Ryberg

This week on The Astro Garden, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kira Ryberg about how she “accidentally” became an astrologer and how she has grown her practice to include writing, teaching, and self-publishing her own astro guidebooks. We also get to talk about how becoming a mother has since changed the way she practices and approaches things with clients.

Kira offers all kinds of options for people interested in learning more about astrology, including readings, guidebooks, extensive writing on her blog and Patreon, and a course for electional astrology over on her website, kiraryberg.com. You can also find her on Instagram @kirastrologyy and on Twitter @kirastrology, where she so generously shares her astro insight with the public.


24. You can’t help anybody if you’re hangry.


22. She's talking about the moon again...