19. Tides and currents, sculptural fractals, flavors of the full moon in Aries

Listen in for Moonday downloads on the lunar cycles and how they operate within larger cycles of time. I also speak to the full moon in Aries happening on Thursday, October 17th, briefly going over which house/area of life this will take place in by rising sign and what is coming up for me with this lunation happening in my 2nd house conjunct my chart ruler, with a little detour down an asteroid rabbit hole.

In this episode, I reference Sonia @celestiaastrology and her work with the lunar cycle. She offers monthly full moon meditations on her YouTube channel where she synthesizes all of the bits and pieces at play during that full moon. Sonia works with Moon Families to help create a fuller picture of the lunations and creates these handy infographics monthly as well. I highly recommend checking out her work and this month’s Aries full moon meditation: https://celestiaastrology.substack.com/p/rose-ablaze-full-moon-in-aries-october?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

When speaking about tides and currents, I reference NOAA’s website, https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/tidescurrents.html .


20. The Astro Garden: Lacey Prpic Hedtke


18. Jupiter RX: revisiting how we grow