20. The Astro Garden: Lacey Prpic Hedtke

In this episode of The Astro Garden, I welcome Lacey Prpic Hedtke, artist, astrologer, and magical shop owner for a conversation about how she got into astrology, some of her favorite books, and different teachers she has worked with throughout her learning journey.

We also discuss how her art and astrology practices cross-pollinate each other and how she merges her love and knowledge of photography into her work and research as an astrologer, particularly through the use of some specific photograpahy asteroids.

To find out more about Lacey’s work, check out her websites and social media:

www.laceyprpichedtke.com    @laceyprpichedtke

www.thefuturempls.com          @thefuturempls

www.silverrisingastrology.com   @silverrisingastrology

Lacey is currently offering a special reading for Jupiter Retrograde! You can book with her at www.silverrisingastrology.com .

If you would like to look up the photography asteroids she mentions to see where they fall in your chart, Lacey recommends using the “Manual Entry” box under Extended Chart Selection on Astro.com and copy/pasting or typing in the following asteroid numbers: 3256, 3117, 3151, 443.

Happy researching! :)


21. Mars says, "Get in loser. We're fucking going for it."


19. Tides and currents, sculptural fractals, flavors of the full moon in Aries